
js = demisto.args()["value"] #this is string
js = json.loads(js) #turning above to dict
null_items = "" #to hold list as a string
for key, value in js.copy().items():
  if js[key] == "null":
    #print(value, key)
    if null_items == "":
      null_items = key
      null_items += "," + key
js["Null Items"] = null_items #Adding to the dictionary

Script Explanation:

This code defines a variable called js which is assigned the value of the value argument passed to the function. This value is expected to be a string containing a JSON object.

Next, the code uses the json.loads() function to convert the string into a Python dictionary. This allows us to access and manipulate the data contained in the JSON object as a dictionary in Python.

The code then defines a variable called null_items which is initialized to an empty string. This string will be used to hold a list of keys from the dictionary whose values are equal to the string “null”.

The code then uses a for loop to iterate over the items in the dictionary. For each item, it checks whether the value is equal to “null”. If it is, it adds the key to the null_items string.


We can append keys to the empty string from the beginning without needing the initial check (if null_items == ""). The reason the original code includes this check is to format the null_items string in a specific way - to ensure there are no leading commas before the first key.

After all items in the dictionary have been processed, the code adds a new item to the dictionary with the key “Null Items” and the value of the null_items string. Finally, the code uses the demisto.results() function to return the modified dictionary as the result of the function.