Module 2: Git Assignment - 2

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Create a Git working directory with feature1.txt and feature2.txt in the master branch
  2. Create 3 branches develop, feature1 and feature2
  3. In develop branch create develop.txt, do not stage or commit it
  4. Stash this file and check out to feature1 branch
  5. Create new.txt file in feature1 branch, stage and commit this file
  6. Checkout to develop, unstash this file and commit
  7. Please submit all the Git commands used to do the above steps

Step 1

mkdir git_directory
cd git_directory
git init
echo "This is feature 1" > feature1.txt
echo "This is feature 2" > feature2.txt
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit with feature1.txt and feature2.txt"

Step 2

git branch develop
git branch feature1
git branch feature2

Step 3

git checkout develop
echo "This is develop file" > develop.txt

Step 4

git stash push -u #-u for untracked files
git checkout feature1

to prevent carrying it over when i switch branches

Step 5

echo "This is a new file in feature1" > new.txt
git add new.txt
git commit -m "Added new.txt in feature1 branch"

Step 6

git checkout develop
git stash pop
git add develop.txt
git commit -m "Added develop.txt in develop branch"