Module 2: Git Assignment - 3

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Create a Git working directory, with the following branches: ● Develop ● F1 ● f2
  2. In the master branch, commit main.txt file
  3. Put develop.txt in develop branch, f1.txt and f2.txt in f1 and f2 respectively
  4. Push all these branches to GitHub
  5. On local delete f2 branch
  6. Delete the same branch on GitHub as well


Will re-use repo GitAssignment from Assignment 1 – Git and just make sure its empty

Step 1:

Clone the existing repository

git clone
cd GitAssignment

Creating the branches

git branch Develop
git branch F1
git branch f2

Step 2:

Commit main.txt file in the master branch

echo "Content of main.txt" > main.txt
git add main.txt
git commit -m "Added main.txt to master branch"

Step 3:

Commit files in their respective branches

Develop branch:

git checkout Develop
echo "Content of develop.txt" > develop.txt
git add develop.txt
git commit -m "Added develop.txt to Develop branch"

F1 branch:

git checkout F1
echo "Content of f1.txt" > f1.txt
git add f1.txt
git commit -m "Added f1.txt to F1 branch"

f2 branch:

git checkout f2
echo "Content of f2.txt" > f2.txt
git add f2.txt
git commit -m "Added f2.txt to f2 branch"

Step 4:

Push all branches to GitHub

git push -u origin main
git push -u origin Develop
git push -u origin F1
git push -u origin f2

Step 5:

Delete f2 branch locally

git checkout main  # Switching to another branch first, since I can't delete the branch I'm currently on.
git branch -d f2

Step 6:

Delete the f2 branch on GitHub

git push origin --delete f2

In GitHub