
Problem Statement: You work for XYZ Corporation. Your corporation is working on an application and they require secured web servers on Linux to launch the application.

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Create an instance in the US-East-1 (N. Virginia) region with Linux OS and manage the requirement of web servers of your company using AMI.
  2. Replicate the instance in the US-West-2 (Oregon) region.
  3. Build two EBS volumes and attach them to the instance in the US-East-1 (N. Virginia) region.
  4. Delete one volume after detaching it and extend the size of the other volume. 5. Take backup of this EBS volume

Task 1: Create an instance in the US-East-1 (N. Virginia) region with Linux OS

  1. Log into AWS: I’ll open my AWS Management Console and log in.

  2. Access EC2: I’ll navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.

  3. Set Region: In the top-right corner, I’ll set my region to US-East-1 (N. Virginia).

  4. Launch Instance: I’ll click the “Launch Instance” button.

  5. Select AMI: I’ll choose a Linux-based Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Amazon Linux

  6. Configure Instance: I’ll go with the default settings.

  7. Select Key Pair: Selected a .io key I already had

  8. Set Up Security Groups: I’ll go with the default settings.

  9. Launch: After reviewing all settings, I’ll click “Launch”.

Task 2: Replicate the instance in the US-West-2 (Oregon) region

  1. Create AMI: I’ll navigate to the instance I created and create an AMI of it.

    Image name: ImageFromUS-east-1

  2. Copy to US-West-2: Once the AMI is ready, I’ll copy it to the US-West-2 (Oregon) region.

  3. Launch in US-West-2: I’ll go to the US-West-2 region and launch a new instance using this copied AMI.

Task 3: Build two EBS volumes and attach them to the instance in the US-East-1 (N. Virginia) region

  1. Navigate to Volumes: In the EC2 Dashboard, I’ll go to the “Volumes” section.

  2. Create Two Volumes: I’ll create two new EBS volumes here. I’ll add a tag Name for each Volume1 and Volume2

  3. Attach Volumes: I’ll right-click on each volume and choose “Attach Volume”, then select my US-East-1 instance. Will do each Volume individually

    Selecting Instance First Instance

    If I click on First Instance I can see its storage attachments

Task 4: Delete one volume after detaching it and extend the size of the other volume

  1. Detach One Volume: In the “Volumes” section, I’ll right-click on one volume and choose “Detach Volume”.

  2. Delete Volume: After detaching, I’ll right-click on it again and choose “Delete Volume”.

  3. Extend Remaining Volume: I’ll right-click on the remaining volume and choose “Modify Volume” to extend its size to 110

Task 5: Take backup of this EBS volume

  1. Create Snapshot: I’ll right-click on the remaining EBS volume and select “Create Snapshot” to take a backup.
  2. Label Snapshot: I’ll give the snapshot a meaningful label and then create it.