Module 2:

  1. Launching and Configuring an Ubuntu EC2 Instance with Nginx on AWS
  2. Launching a Linux EC2 Instance with Attached and Resized EBS Storage
  3. Integrating Multi-OS EC2 Instances with Elastic File System (EFS) on AWS
  4. Placeholder
  5. Securing and Managing Linux Web Servers with EBS Operations on AWS

Module 3:

  1. Implementing IAM User and Group Management for Enhanced Security in AWS
  2. Crafting and Managing IAM Policies for User Access Control in AWS
  3. Configuring IAM Roles for Targeted VPC and DynamoDB Access in AWS
  4. Creating a CloudWatch Dashboard for Monitoring EC2 Instances in AWS
  5. Implementing CloudWatch Alarms for Cost Management and EC2 Monitoring in AWS
  6. Transitioning to AWS for Scalable Infrastructure Management

Module 4:

  1. Setting Up and Migrating Load Balancers for Efficient Traffic Management on AWS
  2. Implementing Auto-Scaling for Optimized Resource Management on AWS
  3. Configuring Traffic Management with Route 53 in AWS
  4. Integrating ELB, ASG, and Route 53 for Scalable AWS Solutions

Module 5:

  1. Constructing a Secure VPC with Public and Private Subnets in AWS
  2. Implementing VPC Peering for Enhanced Connectivity Across Regions in AWS
  3. Establishing Secure EC2 Communications with VPC Security Groups in AWS
  4. Securing Access to S3 Resources with VPC Endpoints in AWS
  5. Streamlining Connectivity with VPC and Peering

Module 6:

  1. Configuring an S3 Bucket for Versatile File Storage and Sharing in AWS
  2. Implementing Version Control in S3 Bucket
  3. Hosting Static Websites and Managing Lifecycle Policies in S3 Buckets on AWS
  4. Data Storage, Retrieval, and Website Hosting in S3 on AWS

Module 7:

  1. Deploying and Connecting to a MariaDB RDS Database in AWS
  2. Setting Up AuroraDB with Read Replicas for High Availability in AWS
  3. Managing Data with DynamoDB: Creation, Backup, and Deletion in AWS
  4. Establishing and Querying a Redshift Data Warehouse in AWS
  5. Architecting Robust Database Solutions on AWS

Module 8:

  1. Automating S3 Bucket Deployment and Versioning with CloudFormation in AWS
  2. Streamlining VPC and EC2 Deployment with CloudFormation in AWS
  3. Enhancing CloudFormation Deployments with SNS Notifications in AWS
  4. Integrating SQS and SES for Messaging and Email Services in AWS
  5. Designing a Scalable Multi-Tier Architecture on AWS

Module 9:

  1. Implementing Serverless Architecture with AWS Lambda and SQS Triggers
  2. Deploying and Managing a PHP Application with AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Module 10:

  1. Optimizing Resource Management with AWS Organizations
  2. Enhancing Performance with AWS Global Accelerator Endpoints

Module 11:

  1. Establishing a Local Ubuntu Server VM for Cloud Migration
  2. Transferring and Deploying a Local Ubuntu Server to AWS EC2
  3. Migrating MySQL to PostgreSQL using AWS Database Migration Service

AWS DevOps

  1. Setting Up a CodeCommit Repository and Migrating Data from GitHub
  2. Implementing Automated Deployments with CodeDeploy and EC2
  3. Building a CI CD Pipeline with CodePipeline for PHP Applications
  4. Streamlining Development Workflow with CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline for Multi-Stage Deployments


  1. Implementing a Scalable, Multi-Tier Web Architecture on AWS with EC2 and RDS
  2. Implementing Secure Amazon SNS Messaging in a Private AWS Environment