Module 3: IAM Users Assignment

Problem Statement: You work for XYZ Corporation. To maintain the security of the AWS account and the resources you have been asked to implement a solution that can help easily recognize and monitor the different users.

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Create 4 IAM users named Dev1, Dev2, Test1, and Test2.
  2. Create 2 groups named DevTeam andOpsTeam.
  3. Add Dev1 and Dev2 to the DevTeam.
  4. Add Dev1, Test1 and Test2 to the OpsTeam.

Using AWS Management Console:

  1. Creating 4 IAM Users:
  • First, I logged into the AWS Management Console and navigated toServices > IAM > Users.
  • Then, I clicked on theCreate user button to create four new users. I named them Dev1, Dev2, Test1, and Test2 respectively.

  • During this process permissions are configured for each user as needed.

  1. Creating 2 IAM Groups:
  • Next, I went to the IAM Dashboard and clicked onServices > IAM > User groups.

  • I clicked onCreate Group and made two new groups named DevTeam and OpsTeam.
    During this step we can also add users

  • I also attached the necessary policies to these groups.

  1. Adding Dev1 and Dev2 to the DevTeam:
  • I clicked on the DevTeam group and then selected Add users to Group.”
  • I chose Dev1 and Dev2 from the list and added them to this group.
  1. Adding Dev1, Test1, and Test2 to the OpsTeam:
  • I repeated the same process for the OpsTeam group.
  • I clicked on Add users and added Dev1, Test1, and Test2 to this group.