Module 3: Assignment - 3

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Create two storage accounts and create a container inside it
  2. Upload some data to the first Blob service
  3. Using Data Factory copy data to the second storage service’s container

Step 1: Storage accounts

I navigate to my storage accounts and select two accounts:

  1. hectorstorage12345 will serve as the source account since it already contains data and has a container named mycontainer.

  2. team1storageaccount54321 will be the destination account.”

Step 2: Upload data

I will choose hectorstorage12345 as my source account since it already has data and contains a container named mycontainer.

Step 3: Copy Data

I search “Data factories” and click “+Create”

I click on the data factory I just created. I click the “Launch studio” button. I select “Ingest.”

Creating “New connection” to source container and tested it

Had to click + New connection show above

Creating “New connection” to destination container and tested it

I see the file in my destination container
