Module 3: Assignment - 4
Tasks To Be Performed:
- Use the same storage accounts from previous assignment
- Use AzCopy utility to copy data from one storage container to another
Continuing from Assignment 3
Step 1: Install AzCopy
I install it following the instructions on the AzCopy v10 page.
Step 2: Generate SAS Tokens for Both Storage Accounts
I Generate a SAS Token for the Source Storage Account:
I log into the Azure Portal and navigate to the first storage account (the source).
I go to the “Shared access signature” section and generate a SAS token.
I copy this SAS token for later use.
I make in “Allowed services” only “Blob” is selected and in “Allowed resource types” I select all of them
I click the button Generate
I’ll copy ”Blob service SAS URL”
I Generate a SAS Token for the Destination Storage Account:
- I repeat the process for the second storage account (the destination).
- I ensure to copy this SAS token as well.
The whole command looks like this:
.\azcopy copy '' '' --recursive
I opened the command prompt (CMD) where the .exe file was located and run the command.
I confirm the files from
in Assignment 2 were copied tomycontainer2
The transfer of
failed because we changed the tier to 'archive' in Assignment 5: Module 2.