Module 4: Assignment - 4

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Create a Linux VM with Ubuntu OS
  2. Install Apache2 software
  3. Create image out of VM

Step 1: Create Linux VM

To create the VM, I referred to Assignment 1: Module 4, ensuring that I opened port 80 for HTTP and logged into the machine.

Step 2: Install Apache2 Software

  1. I Install Apache2:

    • After logging into the VM, I run the following commands to update the package lists, install Apache2, and ensure it is running:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl enable apache2

I obtain its public IP to test it

Step 3: Create an Image of the VM

  1. I Generalize the VM:

    • First, while the VM is still running, I SSH into the VM.

    • I run the following command to generalize the VM. This prepares the VM for imaging by removing personal account information and other unique settings: sudo waagent -deprovision+user

    • After running the command, I log out of the VM.

  2. I Deallocate the VM:

    • In the Azure Portal, I go to the VM and click “Stop” to deallocate it. This action releases the compute resources but keeps the VM configuration and disks.
  3. I Capture the Image:

    • After the VM is deallocated, I return to the Azure Portal.
    • On the VM’s page, I click on “Capture” to create an image of the VM.
    • I fill in the required details, such as the name for the image and the resource group where I want to store it.
    • Had to create a “Target Azure compute gallery” and “Target VM Image definition”.
    • Gave it “Version number” and left only one Target region
    • Finally, I click “Create” to capture the image of the VM.
    • If I go to “Azure compute galleries” I can see the one I just created with the image inside
