Module 5: Assignment - 1

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Install a Docker using VM
  2. Pull hshar/webapp (webapp) repository
  3. Create a new file in this repository

Step 1: Install Docker on a Virtual Machine

  1. I Create a Linux VM:

  2. I Install Docker Using ^f947ef

    • I run the following commands to update the package index and install Docker from the Ubuntu repositories: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install
    • After the installation, I start and enable Docker to ensure it’s running and set to start on boot: sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker
    • I verify Installation sudo docker --version

Step 2: Pull the hshar/webapp Docker Repository

  1. I Pull the Docker Image:
    • I use the Docker command to pull the hshar/webapp image from Docker Hub: sudo docker pull hshar/webapp

Step 3: Create a New File in the Repository

  1. I Run a Container from the Pulled Image:

    • I start a Docker container using the hshar/webapp image: sudo docker run -dit --name webapp-container hshar/webapp
  2. I Access the Container’s Shell:

    • I access the shell of the running container: sudo docker exec -it webapp-container bash
  3. I Create a New File in the Container:

    • Inside the container, I navigate to the desired directory.
    • I create a new file touch newfile.txt

Step 4: Commit the Changes to Create a New Docker Image

  1. Commit the Container to a New Image:

    • Use the docker commit command to create a new image from the container’s current state.
    • The syntax is docker commit [CONTAINER_ID] [new_image_name]:[tag].
  2. Verify the New Image:

    • Use docker images to list all images and verify that your new image (mynewimage:latest) is there.
azureuser@VMCustomImage:~$ sudo docker commit f88acb1dcab07b1ae0 hshar/webapp_updated:latest
azureuser@VMCustomImage:~$ sudo docker images
REPOSITORY             TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
hshar/webapp_updated   latest    5d9250a92e27   8 seconds ago    303MB
<none>                 <none>    853e35c08c74   30 seconds ago   303MB
hshar/webapp           latest    0cbc1f535ed8   4 years ago      303MB