Module 6: Assignment - 1

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Create a virtual network in West US
  2. Create another virtual network in South India
  3. Deploy virtual machine in West US with the virtual network in West US
  4. Deploy virtual machine in South India inside virtual network in South India
  5. Create VNet-VNet peering to connect West US and South India VM
  6. Check this by pinging VM1 to VM2 via ping command using private IP address

Step 1: Create a Virtual Network in West US

  1. I Log into the Azure Portal:

    • I open a web browser and navigate to the Azure Portal. I sign in with my credentials.
  2. I Create the West US Virtual Network:

    • In the Azure Portal, I search “Virtual Network” click ”+ Create”.
    • I fill in the details, setting the “Name” and choosing “West US” as the “Region”.
    • I specify the address space and subnet details.
    • I review and create the virtual network.

Step 2: Create Another Virtual Network in South India

  1. I Repeat the Creation Process for South India:
    • Similarly, I create another virtual network, this time choosing “South India” as the region.
    • I ensure that the address space does not overlap with the West US virtual network.

Step 3: Deploy a VM in West US within the West US Virtual Network

  1. I Create a VM in the West US Virtual Network:
    • Using Assignment 1: Module 4 as reference.
    • I make sure to pick “West US” region and the virtual network I just created.

Step 4: Deploy a VM in South India within the South India Virtual Network

  1. I Create a VM in the South India Virtual Network:
    • I follow the same steps to create another VM, this time in the South India region and associated with the South India virtual network.

I’ll SSH into the SouthIndiaVM and attempt to ping WestUSVM using its private IP, but as expected, it fails.

Step 5: Create VNet-to-VNet Peering

  1. I Set Up Peering for West US Virtual Network:

    • In the Azure Portal, I go to the West US virtual network and select “Peerings”.
    • I click “Add” and fill in the details to create a peering connection to the South India virtual network.

  2. I Set Up Peering for South India Virtual Network:

    • Similarly, I set up peering from the South India virtual network to the West US virtual network.

Step 6: Verify Connectivity with Ping Using Private IP Addresses

  1. Ping Each VM from the Other:
  • From the West US VM, I successfully ping the South India VM.
  • From the South India VM, I successfully ping the West US VM.
