Module 9: Assignment - 3

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Use the previous VM deployment
  2. Create an alert for the deletion of the above VM

Task 1: Use the Previous VM Deployment

Using VM from Assignment 1: Module 9

Task 2: Create an Alert for the Deletion of the VM

I search “Alerts” Click ”+ Create” and select “Alert Rule”

I selected my VM as the scope.

As for the condition, I configured it to detect a signal for the deletion of the VM.

For the ‘Actions’ section, I created an action group with ‘Notifications’ set to an email address.

I reviewed the settings and clicked on ‘Create.’
To test the alert, I deleted the VM by clicking the ‘Delete’ button.

Upon checking the alerts, I observed the notifications, and in my mailbox, I received corresponding emails. I received multiple notifications because I clicked ‘Delete’ several times.
