Docker Part 2 Assignment - 5

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Use the previous assignment’s deployment
  2. Deploy any 2 containers in a overlay network
  3. Try pinging each of the containers from within the containers

Step 1: Previous Deployment

Using previous Assignment 4 – Docker – II’s Deployment

Instances Private IPs

master worker1 worker2

Step 2: Deploy Two Containers in an Overlay Network

In this step, I will deploy two containers within an overlay network in the Docker Swarm cluster. An overlay network enables seamless communication between containers across different nodes in the Swarm. To achieve this, I will use the following commands:

# Create an overlay network (if not already created)
docker network create --driver overlay my-overlay-network
# Deploying two containers in the overlay network
docker service create --name container-1 --network my-overlay-network alpine ping
docker service create --name container-2 --network my-overlay-network alpine ping

Step 3: Ping Containers from Within Containers

I find out which node I need to ssh into

docker service ps <container-1>

So the containers are in worker1 and worker2

I SSH into worker1 and subsequently log into ‘container-1,’ enabling me to ping ‘container-2’.


This time, I SSH into worker2, which allows me to log into ‘container-2.’ From within ‘container-2,’ I execute a ping command to reach ‘container-1’.
