Module 3: Docker Part 1 Assignment - 1

Training Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Pull Ubuntu container
  2. Run this container and map port 80 on the local
  3. Install Apache2 on this container
  4. Check if you are able to access the Apache page on your browser


Before I begin with the Docker tasks, I’ve ensured that:

  • I have Docker Desktop installed on my Windows machine.
  • I’ll be running all the Docker commands in cmd.
  1. I pull the Ubuntu container.
docker pull ubuntu
  1. I run the Ubuntu container and map port 80 on my local machine to port 80 on the container.

Note to myself: Before mapping port 80, I ensure that no other services are using it on my host machine to avoid conflicts. If there are issues, I’ll address those first.

docker run -it -p 80:80 ubuntu

Once executed, I am inside the container's shell.

  1. I install Apache2 on this container. First, I update the package lists:
apt update -y --fix-missing

Then, I install the Apache2 package:

apt install apache2 -y

  1. I start the Apache2 service inside the container.
service apache2 start

To ensure Apache2 is actively running, I check its status:

service apache2 status

  1. I open my web browser to access the Apache2 default page.**


By navigating to http://localhost, I see the Apache2 Ubuntu default page.