Module 3: Docker Part 1 Assignment - 2

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Save the image created in assignment 1 as a Docker image
  2. Launch container from this new image and map the port to 81
  3. Go inside the container and start the Apache2 service
  4. Check if you are able to access it on the browser

To save the image created in assignment 1 as a Docker image.

First, I’ll find the container ID of the container I used:

docker ps -a

With the container ID in hand, I commit it as an image. Let’s name it ubuntu_apache:

docker commit eb2219bab5ad ubuntu_apache

Confirming image was created

I launch a container from this new ubuntu_apache image and map the port to 81.

docker run -it -p 81:80 ubuntu_apache

Once executed, I am inside the container's shell.

Even though I’m already in the container’s shell, if I ever exit and need to return, I can use:

docker exec -it [container-id] /bin/bash

Then, I start the Apache2 service:

service apache2 start

I open my web browser to access the Apache2 page.

By navigating to http://localhost:81, I should see the Apache2 Ubuntu default page.
