Module 3: Docker Part 1 Assignment - 3

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Use the saved image in the previous assignment
  2. Upload this image on Docker Hub
  3. On a separate machine pull this Docker Hub image and launch it on port 80
  4. Start the Apache2 service
  5. Verify if you are able to see the Apache2 service ` I use the saved image from the previous assignment.

First, I ensure that the image ubuntu_apache is present:

docker images

I upload this image to Docker Hub.

Before uploading, I need to log in to Docker Hub:

docker login

I had a DockerHub account already

Then, I tag the image with my Docker Hub username and desired repository name (I’ll use my_docker_image as an example):

docker tag ubuntu_apache:latest hectorproko/my_docker_image:latest

Created repo before upload

Now, I push the tagged image to Docker Hub:

docker push hectorproko/my_docker_image:latest

On a separate machine, I pull this Docker Hub image and launch it on port 80.

First, I pull the image:

docker pull hectorproko/my_docker_image:latest

Then, I run the container, mapping port 80:

docker run -it -p 80:80 hectorproko/my_docker_image:latest

I start the Apache2 service.

Inside the container’s shell:

service apache2 start

I verify if I can access the Apache2 service.

I open my web browser and navigate to http://localhost. I should see the Apache2 Ubuntu default page.