Module 7: Kubernetes Assignment - 2

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Use the previous deployment
  2. Create a service of type NodePort for NGINX deployment
  3. Check the NodePort service on a browser to verify

Step 1:

Previous deployment Assignment 1 – Kubernetes

Instances and Their Private IP Addresses

k-master: worker1: worker2:

Step 2: Create NodePort Service

To allow external traffic to reach my Nginx deployment, I will create a NodePort service. This is done by defining a service configuration in a YAML I named nginx-nodeport.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-nginx-deployment
  type: NodePort
    - targetPort: 80
      port: 80
      nodePort: 30008
    app: nginx

The type: NodePort specification in the service configuration ensures that the service is accessible through a specific port allocated on each node in the cluster. By applying the nginx-nodeport.yaml file, the service will be configured to allow access to the Nginx server via the allocated nodePort of 30008 on all the nodes.


The selector field in this service configuration is set to app: nginx. This matches the label of the pods created by the nginx-deployment.yaml (Assignment 1) . It is important to note that this service will route traffic specifically to the pods created by the nginx-deployment.yaml file and not to those created by the one-line kubectl create deployment command, unless they were also labeled with app: nginx.

  replicas: 3
      app: nginx

Once I’ve created this file, I apply it using the command:

kubectl apply -f nginx-nodeport.yaml

I check to ensure the service is running with:

kubectl get svc

We’ve confirmed that the NodePort service is actively routing traffic. The defined NodePort of 30008 is set up to forward to the internal port 80 of the Nginx pods

Step 3: Verification

I retrieve the public IP address of one of the worker nodes in the cluster to test the Nginx service externally. By entering http://<Worker_Node_Public_IP>:30008 into a web browser, I can access the Nginx landing page served through the NodePort, verifying that the service is correctly exposed.
