Module 8: Terraform Assignment - 4

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Destroy the previous deployments
  2. Create a VPC with the required components using Terraform
  3. Deploy an EC2 instance inside the VPC

Step 1

Destroying infrastructure from Assignment 3 – Terraform

Step 2-3

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"
resource "aws_vpc" "example_vpc" {
  cidr_block = ""
  tags = {
    Name = "example-vpc"
resource "aws_subnet" "example_subnet" {
  vpc_id            =
  cidr_block        = ""
  availability_zone = "us-east-1a"
  tags = {
    Name = "example-subnet"
resource "aws_internet_gateway" "example_igw" {
  vpc_id =
  tags = {
    Name = "example-igw"
resource "aws_route_table" "example_rt" {
  vpc_id =
  route {
    cidr_block = ""
    gateway_id =
  tags = {
    Name = "example-route-table"
resource "aws_route_table_association" "example_rta" {
  subnet_id      =
  route_table_id =
resource "aws_security_group" "example_sg" {
  name        = "example-sg"
  description = "Example Security Group"
  vpc_id      =
  ingress {
    from_port   = 22
    to_port     = 22
    protocol    = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [""]
  egress {
    from_port   = 0
    to_port     = 0
    protocol    = "-1"
    cidr_blocks = [""]
  tags = {
    Name = "example-security-group"
resource "aws_instance" "example_instance" {
  ami           = "ami-0230bd60aa48260c6"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  subnet_id     =
  associate_public_ip_address = true
  vpc_security_group_ids = []
  tags = {
    Name = "example-instance"

In this configuration:

  • A VPC is created with a specified CIDR block.
  • A subnet is defined within the VPC.
  • An Internet Gateway is attached to the VPC to allow communication with the internet.
  • A route table with a default route to the Internet Gateway is created and associated with the subnet.
  • A security group with basic rules for SSH access is defined and associated with the VPC.
  • An EC2 instance is deployed within the created subnet and attached to the security group.

terraform apply

Just to test the instance i try to ssh into it