==(old Project 9)==


In this project, we’ll extend the architecture developed in Project_8_APACHE_LOAD-BALANCER by integrating a Jenkins server. Our focus will be on automating routine tasks using Jenkins, a free and open-source automation tool. We’ll set up a Jenkins job designed to automatically deploy any changes made to the source code in our GitHub repository, tooling, directly to the Tooling Website via an NFS server.

Provision AWS Server

  1. Create an Ubuntu Server 20.04
    Creating Ubuntu instance in AWS (EC2)

  2. Open TCP port 8080 creating an Inbound Rule in Security Group.
    Open Ports in AWS (EC2)

Install Jenkins

wget -q -O - https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable/jenkins.io.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable binary/ > \
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install jenkins

We access jenkins through the browser using the instance IP. You will be prompted to provide a default admin password

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We retrieve the password from the specified path

sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
Please use the following password to proceed to installation:
This may also be found at: /root/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Then you will be asked which plugings to install – choose suggested plugins.

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Once plugins installation is done you are prompted to create an admin user and you will get your Jenkins server address and the installation is complete.

Configure Jenkins to retrieve source codes from GitHub using Webhooks

In this part we’ll configure a simple Jenkins job/project that will be triggered by GitHub webhooks and will execute a ‘build’ task to retrieve codes from GitHub and store it locally on Jenkins server.

1. Create Jenkins Job

Go to Jenkins web console, click New Item and create a Freestyle project
Press OK at the bottom

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We get prompted to the job configuration. In the Source Code management tab we select Git and put the URL of tooling repo tooling.git
Click Save

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Keep In Mind:
When specifying repo branch, Jenkins uses master even though my local repo shows main, if I change branch specifier to main I get error
ERROR: Couldn’t find any revision to build. Verify the repository and branch configuration for this job. Finished: FAILURE

Once configuration is saved you are taken to the Jobs Dashboard where we can do test build by clicking on Build Now

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Now we configure the job to trigger whenever there is a change in the sourcecode in Github’s Repo

In Build Triggers Tab check box GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
In Post-build Actions we archive all the artifacts with *

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Configuring webhook in github repo

To add a webhook we go to Settings > Webhooks > Add webhook

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On Payload URL we put the public IP (of Jenkins instance) and port 8080 followed by /github-webhhook/
Make sure Content type is set to application/json

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Here I’m creating a test file in the repo to test the webhook

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This triggers build #5

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If I look at the conosole output or log of build 5 I confirm that the job was triggered by Github push

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