Module 6: Assignment - 3

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Use the previously created VM
  2. Created a NIC
  3. Attach NIC to the previously created VM

Step 1: Previous VM

Using StaticIPVM from Assignment 2_Module 6

Step 2: Create a Network Interface Card (NIC)

  1. I Navigate to ‘Network Interfaces’:

    • In the Azure Portal, I search for “Network Interface”, and select it.
  2. I Create the NIC:

    • I click “Create” to start the process of creating a new NIC.
    • I fill in the necessary information like the name for the NIC, subscription, resource group (using the same one as the VM), and Region (which should match the VM’s location).
    • I select the Virtual Network and Subnet where my existing VM resides.
    • I review all the settings and click “Create” to provision the new NIC.

Step 3: Attach NIC to the Previously Created VM

  1. I Stop the VM:

    • Before attaching the NIC, I ensure that the VM is stopped. I go to the VM’s overview page in the Azure Portal and click “Stop”.
  2. I Attach the NIC to the VM:

    • Once the VM is stopped, I navigate to the VM’s settings and select “Networking” - “Network settings”.

    • I click “Attach network interface” and select the NIC I just created.

    • I click “Ok” to attach the NIC to the VM.

  3. Verify the NIC Attachment.
