Module 7: Assignment - 1

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Deploy 2 VMs with Ubuntu and Apache2 installed
  2. Change index.html to include the following text a. “This is VM1” on VM1 b. “This is VM2” on VM2
  3. Create a load balancer which will balance the traffic between these two VMs

Step 1: Deploy 2 VMs with Ubuntu and Apache2 Installed

# Update the package list
sudo apt-get update
# Install Apache2
sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
# Ensure Apache2 is running and enabled
sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl enable apache2
# Change the contents of the default Apache page
echo "This is VM1" | sudo tee /var/www/html/index.html

Step 2: Change index.html on Both VMs

  1. I SSH into VM1:

    • I connect to VM1 using SSH.
  2. I Modify index.html on VM1:

    • I run sudo nano /var/www/html/index.html (or use any other text editor).
    • I add the text “This is VM1” to the file.
    • I save and close the file.
  3. I Repeat for VM2:

    • I SSH into VM2.
    • I follow the same steps to modify the index.html, this time adding “This is VM2”.

Step 3: Create a Load Balancer

  1. I Navigate to Load Balancers in Azure Portal:

    • I log into the Azure Portal.
    • I search for “Load Balancer” and click ”+ Create”
    • Made sure “Type” was “Public”
    • “Frontend IP configuration” picked a Public IP I created in “Public IP Addresses”
    • “Backend pools” I add my 2 VMs
  2. I Create a New Load Balancer:

    • I fill in the details for the load balancer, like name, region (should be the same as VMs), and choose Public.
    • I create a new public IP address for the load balancer if it’s public.
  3. I Configure the Backend Pool:

    • After creating the load balancer, I navigate to its settings.
    • I add a backend pool and include both VM1 and VM2 in this pool.
  4. I Configure Load Balancing Rules:

  • The probe can be set to check the HTTP availability on port 80.

    • I create a load balancing rule that directs traffic to the backend pool.
    • I set it to listen on port 80 and direct traffic to port 80 on the VMs.

  1. I Test the Load Balancer:

    • I navigate to the public IP address of the load balancer in a web browser.

    • The page should display “This is VM1” or “This is VM2”, depending on which VM is serving the request.

      After refreshing the page 100 times..