Nagios Assignment - 3

To Be Performed:

  1. Use the previous deployment cluster
  2. Check whether the FTP service is up or not (use the configuration files for this)

Continuing from Assignment 2 – Nagios:

EC2s used and Private IPs

nagios my-linux-host1 my-linux-host2


Before defining the service to monitor FTP, I checked the commands.cfg file to see if there were any pre-existing commands I could use. There, I found the check_ftp command.

On both host1.cfg and host2.cfg, I added the following block of code, making sure to adjust the host_name appropriately for each host.

define service {
    use                     local-service 
    host_name               my-linux-host1
    service_description     FTP Check
    check_command           check_ftp
    notifications_enabled   0

I install ftpd in my-linux-host1

sudo apt-get install ftpd

I ensured that the Security Group attached to the EC2 instances, which I’m using as part of my infrastructure, has ports 20-21 (TCP) opened to facilitate the necessary network communications.


As expected, the FTP monitoring on host2 fails because I did not install ftpd on this host. This outcome confirms the dependency of the service monitoring on the actual installation of the required software.

%% This is how it looks when I ftp from nagios, for record