AWS DevOps Assignment - 1

Problem Statement: You work for XYZ Corporation. Your corporation wants the files to be stored on a private repository on the AWS Cloud.

Tasks To Be Performed:

  1. Create a CodeCommit repository and import a GitHub repository content into it.

1. Creating an IAM User:

  1. I log into AWS.
  2. I navigate to IAM.
  3. I create a user named “GitUser.”
  4. I attach the AWSCodeCommitFullAccess policy.

2. Uploading Public SSH Key to the IAM User:

  1. I click on the user.
  2. I select the “Security credentials” tab.
  3. I press the “Upload SSH public keys” button.
  4. A window appears.
  5. I paste my public key into the provided input box.
  6. I click the “Upload SSH public key” button.
  7. Once done, AWS gives me an SSH Key ID.
  8. I note down this ID for future use.

3. Setting Up the SSH Client:

  1. I open the ~/.ssh/config file, or create it if it doesn’t exist.
  2. I add the following configuration:
    Host git-codecommit.*
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

4. Set Up CodeCommit Repository

  1. I go to AWS CodeCommit in the AWS Management Console.
  2. I click the “Create repository” button.
  3. I name the repository “Packer”, matching the GitHub repo name.
  4. I press “Create”.

5. Cloning GitHub Repository

I navigate to my GitHub repository and copy the SSH URL:

On my local machine, I run:

git clone
cd Packer

6. Adding CodeCommit Repository as a New Remote:

I go to the AWS CodeCommit console and navigate to the repository I just set up. I click on the Clone URL dropdown and choose Clone SSH, then I copy this URL.

Back in my local repository directory on my machine, I enter:

git remote add codecommit ssh://

To verify the remote was successfully added, I type:

git remote -v

7. Pushing Repository Content to CodeCommit:

Ensuring my SSH setup is correct, I can now push my local repository content to CodeCommit. I use the command:

git push codecommit main

8. Verifying the Repository Content:

I open the CodeCommit repository in the AWS Management Console. By checking the listed files and their commit history, I ensure they match what’s in my original GitHub repository.


The files in CodeCommit are the same as those in my GitHub repository.